
Instagram Takeover

Take over the Instagram stories of the UNIGE for a day!


The #takeoverUNIGE project seeks to highlight UNIGE students and university life from all perspectives. Whether you are a first year student or about to finish your PhD; whether you are a member of an association; whether you practice a sport or an art at the UNIGE; whether you eat your lunch in a tupperware or buy from the cafeteria every day; whether you cycle to the uni or take the tram, we want to get your perspective on university life!

Through this Takeovers project, we would like to contribute to the development of a sense of belonging to the institution, to promote student involvement and community life within the institution, to highlight student life in all its richness and diversity, and to share information about the courses and fields of study offered.

Do you share this desire? Are you comfortable using Instagram and are not afraid to put yourself on display (videos, photos, etc.)? Then you are the right person to do a Takeover!

Practical information

The Takeover usually takes place on Wednesdays from 10am to around 8pm. Guests share their day via Instagram stories (15 maximum) on the UNIGE account. The stories can be in French or English.

An Instagram post will be made the day before on the UNIGE account to announce the next day's Takeover and briefly introduce the student.

You also have the option of making a video afterwards using footage from your Takeover or other footage you've not previously shown. The video will be published a few days later on our Instagram account, in collaboration with yours if you wish.

A "Good Practice Guide" will be sent to you a few days before the date of your Takeover as well as access to our account.

How to participate?

Fill in online this form (only in French).
We will then assess your application and get in touch with you.

Please note that participation in the Takeovers is voluntary, with no financial reward.

If you have any questions, please contact us at socialmedia(at)

  • Start with a video introduction about yourself, your organisation and/or event.
  • Be creative! Experiment with filters, stickers, quizzes, gifs and other features.
  • Personalise your Takeover. You can, for example, present what you do in an association or tell stories.
  • Highlight what makes your life at UNIGE unique (a specific course, a project, friendships, an association, a job on campus, etc.).
  • Do not try to force content. Quality rather than quantity is the key to audience engagement.
  • Make sure you have the agreement of the people in the stories (recognisable and close-up) before sharing them.
  • Proofread several times before posting a Story with text.
  • Make a maximum of 3 stories per topic (each takeover ideally covers between 3 and 5 topics - see list of suggested topics below)
  • Identify the accounts of the departments, faculties and/or associations you are talking about, so that they can re-share your Stories.
  • Advertising private or commercial companies (e.g. do not tag the accounts of restaurants or brands, etc.).
  • Damaging the reputation of the University of Geneva, its faculties, services and/or staff members.
  •  Use offensive language or gestures.
  •  Interrupting classes.
  •  Share sexual, racist or defamatory content.
  • Posting content that shows excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Sharing content that includes the use of substances (e.g. drugs).