
Share your student experience on video

Selfie Instagram

present a video of a typical day or a few days of your life at the UNIGE or at your exchange university


These videos, presented with the hashtag #myunigelife, are filmed and edited directly by the student. They aim to highlight UNIGE students and the diversity of the student experience. Whether you are a first-year student or about to finish your doctorate, on exchange for a semester at the UNIGE or at a university abroad, or taking part in events or activities organised by the UNIGE, we want to show the richness of university life!

With these videos, we aim to :

  • Highlight the programmes and fields of study at UNIGE
  • Promote IN and OUT academic mobility with exchange students
  • Highlight student life in all its richness and diversity
  • Promote community life and student involvement within the institution
  • Help develop a sense of belonging to the institution
  • Attract new students to the University of Geneva

Do you share this enthusiasm? You are not afraid to put yourself on stage and you have a good command of video editing? Then go ahead and share your student experience!


How to take part?

Fill in ​​​​​​ this form online (only in French).
We will then assess your request and get in touch with you.

Please note that the production of these student videos is on a voluntary basis, with no financial remuneration.

If you have any questions, please contact us at​​​​​​ socialmedia(at)


Practical Information

  • Students are responsible for shooting and editing.
  • All videos are validated by the Communications Department before publication. Modifications may be requested.
  • Videos are mainly published on the UNIGE's Instagram account, in collaboration with the student's account if desired. Videos may be used on other media by UNIGE services for promotional purposes.
  • The student sends a photo to be used for the thumbnail image.


  • The video is shot in vertical format (Real) by the student.
  • The ideal length of the video is 90 seconds.
  • Subtitles are strongly recommended.
  • Free background music is recommended. The video will be posted on a professional Instagram account where the choice of music is restricted (some music chosen on a personal Instagram account is censored on a professional account).
  • Inserts (animated slide, question, etc.) are possible.
  • Be creative and alternate shots (front facing camera and long shots). Show who you are and what you like. Don't be afraid to tell anecdotes.
  • Highlight what makes your life at university unique: a specific course, a project, friendships, an association, a job on campus, etc.

  • Respect image rights! Make sure you have the agreement of the people featured in your video (recognisable and close-up) before filming them.

  • Commercial advertising. Do not name restaurants, cafés, businesses or brands, etc. You may film inside a place but without advertising it.

  • Damage the reputation of the University of Geneva or the partner university, its faculties, departments and/or members.

  • Filming close-ups of people without their consent.

  • Use offensive language or gestures.

  • Share content of a sexual, racist or offensive nature, etc.

  • Publish content showing excessive consumption of alcohol or illegal substances (e.g. drugs).

City and campus

  • Your journey from home to university.

  • Your student residence if you are in university accommodation.

  • What you like about the city you're in, your extra-curricular activities.

  • Your favourite places and habits on campus (studying, eating, sports, etc.).

  • Your best places to study on campus.

Studies, intra- or extra-curricular activities

  • Your study programme or research project.

  • The activities and services provided by the university: study advice, sports or cultural activities, well-being or health workshops, careers workshops, IT support, etc.).

  • Your involvement in a student association.

  • Student or university events.

  • Your student job on campus or your academic internship.

Mobility IN and OUT

Mobility IN: your exchange experience in Geneva

  • Organisational and cultural differences, your student accommodation, excursions, activities in the city and going out, habits, favourite places, food, fun facts, etc.

Mobility OUT: your exchange experience abroad

  • Organisational and cultural differences, the campus and student life, your student accommodation, excursions, activities in the city and outings, lifestyle habits, food, budget, your courses and teaching methods, fun facts.

You don't feel comfortable enough to make a video? Then you might be interested in our Instagram Takeover

In our #TakeoverUNIGE, a UNIGE student or doctoral student takes control of the UNIGE Instagram account to share a day in Instagram Story. This format is ephemeral, more spontaneous and interactive as you can ask questions, answer open-ended questions about your exchange, and so on.